We were so fortunate with all the companies and individuals that gave up their time to help us put the 2023 event together.
Thank you to our main sponsor ASHTONS
- All our marvellous stallholders and entertainers.
- Redbourn Parish Council for their working party support.
- Redbourn Village Hall for their assistance and space to host the event.
- Redbourn MOT Centre for loaning us their car park.
- Fakenham Prepress Solutions, for printing our banners and signage.
- Andy Birchwood of Betula Pendula, for his website support.
- Hertfordshire Garden Centre for providing the Christmas tree.
- Redbourn Community Group for manning the car park.
- Tuk Tuk Jo for providing a taxi service between the High Street and MOT Centre.
- Veolia for keeping the rubbish under control and clearing up.
- Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service for being on hand for emergencies and allowing the public to see inside their fire truck.
- Our generous raffle prize donors.
- Bridge Fazio, for his help with Father Christmas.
- Becky Firth, for her help with all our social media.
- Hertfordshire Sound & Light for assisting us with sound equipment.
- All our amazing volunteers who helped before, during and after the event and without whom the event could not go ahead.
from the Redbourn Christmas Market Committee:
Rosemary Mason, Zoe Urrejola, Rob Colville, Sally Hayes, Sarah Houghton, Sarah & Chris Hill, Fiona Rheinberg, BP (Fletch) Cowland and Chris Kenny.