It was early in 2012 that an advert was placed in the Redbourn Post Office window telling of a meeting in the Parish Centre. Anyone who was interested in talking about ways in which the village Christmas lights could be improved was invited to attend. This meeting resulted in a Committee being formed to look at fund raising options. Rather than lots of small fund raising initiatives it was decided to organise a Christmas Market. The Committee realised from the start that this would have to be a sizable event if it was to fulfil the key aims:
– to create an event for the enjoyment and benefit of the whole community
– to raise funds to purchase a Christmas lighting display for Redbourn
Since then the market has grown each year and additions have been made to the lighting display in Cumberland Gardens each year. The 2023 market was the biggest event to date with 114 stalls booked. In addition to the stalls, the event offers so much more to all ages:- a fabulous choice of food, a range of festive entertainment, a raffle, and refreshments including mulled wine and mince pies.
In 2019 the Redbourn Christmas Market became a Working Party of Redbourn Parish Council in recognition of it’s valuable contribution to the community and its not-for-profit status.
The organising committee is made up of volunteers who give up their valuable time to organise and run this fantastic not for profit community event. We are always on the look out for new members so if you are interested please get in touch.